Saturday, August 3, 2013

Committing to Goals and Keeping Them

This is the seventh and last in a series of posts on the story behind the making of my new book, 52 Week Game Changer:  How She Leads
Ok, we can all admit to it!  We’ve made goals countless times but more frequently than not have never met them.  I bet for most of us, goals we made five, ten, or maybe even twenty years ago are still out there in the stratosphere floating around.

I was first introduced to the idea of simple or single daily actions in a 12-week goal-setting workshop I took. (Blue Sky Visioning with Ben Dean and Anne Durand).  What a wonderful idea, I thought!  Small steps accumulated over time turn into big accomplishments.  Since that workshop, I have used this technique countless times in helping people move forward in achieving their goals and because of its success I wanted to incorporate the technique as singular process in the 52 Week Game Changer.

Having a personal vision is essential for leadership, but a vision is usually big, powerful and amorphous.  Getting your arms around how to turn vision to reality can be overpowering.  In fact many women I know become paralyzed with inaction not knowing where to start. That’s where simple daily actions can come to the rescue.
Simple daily actions are actions that you can control.  They are consistent, meaningful, and purposeful and taken together, they are so powerful that change the game……that’s why game changers will spend 26 weeks learning how to set simple daily actions and make them work. 

Be a Game Changer
Celebration time!  52 Week Game Changer:  How She Leads is out!  Purchase directly at or

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